Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome Back!

Back to school. It's an exciting time - and sometimes filled with some anxiety or trepidation. As we begin year two of turnaround - and year one of Receivership - I am filled with a combination of intense pride and apprehension about this upcoming school year.

My intense pride really focuses on my staff. I have shared before that my staff is absolutely amazing. As I look at them, talk with them, and listen to them - I am inspired by the level of commitment and the sheer skill they bring to the table. And this work isn't easy - there is so little reward for the amount of investment. My staff is working tirelessly and we are still seeing single digit student performance. Although we know that there are things we must adjust instructionally, it is not because they are not effective and amazing teachers. During these opening days with staff, my teacher leaders have led presentations and discussions on morning meetings, closing circles, restorative conferences and circles, ready to learn, and best practices about student de-escalation (we use something called a "Peace Place"). I have been filled with pride as I have watched our teacher leaders teach about the` best practices that we know will turn our school around. I have laughed, I have been moved, I have been inspired by the power that my teachers possess. I think about how amazing they will be when they have ten, fifteen, or twenty years of experience in making a difference - and I am overcome by the power and impact that they will have.

I hope that you have a wonderful back to school season and you see the power and potential that your team possesses in everything you do as a leader!

Here are pictures of teacher leaders modeling morning meeting, restorative circles, ready to learn, closing circles, and the Peace Place during our opening days with staff. I am one proud leader!

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